University Make knowledge transfer easy for your sales team TSOL University makes knowledge transfer to your indirect sales force easy, keeping them updated on product portfolio, sales strategies and much more. TSOL University offers easy and organized access to the content that your sales team will need to execute your strategy. With this module you will be able to: Share information and knowledge to your distributors in an easy and effective way. Monitor the learning progress of the distributor’s sales team Certify knowledge transfer Measure sales effectiveness after sales force training Connect with your distributors and share information in four easy steps. Select the content you want to share. Select your target audience. Share your content, securely and verified. Measure your contents’ impact. ¿Qué hacen nuestros clientes con TSOL University? Update training content dynamically and permanently . Make training content available to your sales team anywhere, any time. Standardize and certify knowledge transfer. Access to your sales force training progress. Compare your team’s sales results with the key metrics on your training.